Anil Vazirani the first to report conern over financial abuses regarding a new form of proprietary fixed index annuity (FIA) being sold nationwide that swindled thousands of mostly elderly investors. A federal judge ordered Woodbridge Group to pay 1 Billion for Ponzi scheme.
Please review the documents below. Our office was the first to flag this financial abuse. We started earning consumers in our radio show and seminars. We received a cease and desist which we IGNORED because we were right. We filed with the SEC Office Of Whistleblower. Fast forward the 1 BILLION penalty to be paid.
I also want to share with all of you the AZ legislation that will be coming shortly in regards to hypothetical illustrations and the high unrealistic returns bring projected. The NAIC is working to curb that abuse as well.
(Please see our previous posts on this platform regarding hypothetical illustrations.)
We are aware of two major financial institutions that have visited regulators & law makers to share their concern on these illustrations and validate my filings with various legislative & regulatory bodies nationally and here in AZ.
Anil Vazirani (LUTCF )
We can help you set up a plan that will keep you secure during your retirement years. Contact us at 1-800-957-5604 x200.
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Secured Financial Solutions
14301 North 87th Street, Suite # 213, Scottsdale, AZ 85260